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Growing quality cannabis from Clone to Harvest

Grow Room & Planting Clones

Lesson 1

The first step in a successful cannabis grow is setting up a quality grow room. If you already have a space set up we will go through it with you and optimize it to meet BudBox Gardens' growing standards. If this is your first grow and we are beginning together, we offer three Grow Room options to get you started. 


1. Buy a complete BudBox Gardens grow set-up and you'll have everything you need to grow quality cannabis. This option requires up front payment but is the most cost effective option, leaving you with a full grow set-up at the end of your course.

2. Rent To Own a complete BudBox Gardens grow set-up. This option has a 10% increase in total cost but is broken into 11 payments and added to your bi-weekly course fees. Again, leaving you with a full grow set-up at the end of your course.

3. Rent a complete BudBox Gardens grow set-up. This is the best option to keep single harvest cost low and for those who do not plan to continuously grow and harvest. Cost is added to your bi-weekly course fees.


Once your grow room is set up and optimized, we will plant your clone together and begin our grow.

The Vegetative Cycle & Nutrients

Lesson 2

As your plants begin to mature, we want to offer the highest quality nutrients available. Lesson 2 will focus on the importance of these nutrients and how they impact the growth of your plant throughout the vegetative grow cycle. We will also discuss PH and Parts Per Million (PPM) and how they affect our nutrient solution.

Topping & Training

Lesson 3

Allowing a plant to grow naturally in a high quality environment will produce a great product. However, topping and training your crop can improve both the quality and quantity of cannabis produced. Lesson 3 will be a hands on experience showing you how to top and train your crop.

Lollipopping & Bending

Lesson 4

As your crop matures we will show you how to improve air flow and strengthen branches. Good air flow ensures a disease free crop while strengthening branches further improves the quality, quantity and most importantly the density of your cannabis.

Removing Excess Foliage

Lesson 5

In Lesson 5 we spend time managing excess foliage, or more importantly, managing how energy is both consumed and expelled by your crop. Reducing waisted energy is the best way maximize the energy your crop spends on flower production.

Transition To Flowering

Lesson 6

When growing outdoors a crop would transition naturally from a vegetative state to a flowering state as summer comes to a close and days begin to shorten. In our grow we will shorten the transition period by decreasing our lighting schedule over the course of a week and quickly activating the flowering stage.

The Flowering Cycle & Nutrients

Lesson 7

Once your crop has begun the transition to flowering we will be introducing a new set of nutrients that are optimized for the flowering stage. We will also discuss PH and Parts Per Million (PPM) and how they affect our nutrient solution.

Light Deprivation

Lesson 8

Most people know that plants have to have enough quality sun, or UV, to grow into a thriving plant.  What is less known, and covered in Lesson 8, is the importance of darkness. Offering complete darkness for the appropriate amount of time is essential to high quality flowering.

Supporting & Spacing

Lesson 9

As your crop continues to mature you will notice that the flowers weight might be more than the plants can hold up. You may also notice an increase in foliage causing a decrease in air flow. Lesson 9 covers supporting that excess weight as well as continued foliage management.

Harvesting & Drying

Lesson 10

Its finally time to harvest! That means we need to convert our crop to consumable cannabis. In Lesson 10 we will convert your grow set-up to a drying room and transition from flowering to drying. You will learn how to monitor your cannabis and when to stop the drying process.

Trimming & Long Term Storage

Lesson 11

With your product now dry, we need to trim unwanted leaves and stems. We also need to store your cannabis in a way that not only keeps it good for years to come but actually improves the cannabis as time passes. Lesson 11 will cover the details of trimming and long term storage.

Trim - Resin, Wax & Edibles

Bonus Material

Growing your own cannabis will fill all your jars and save plenty of money. The benefits don't stop there though! The included bonus material offers instruction using your trim to create your own resin, wax and edibles. We will also throw in the BudBox Gardens Edibles Cookbook to get you started.

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